
ASOS and GLAAD Team-Up To Help Marginalized Groups

By November 8, 2017Fashion News

The face of the movement is actor and advocate, Tommy Dorfman.

The ‘Together Movement’ was founded by GLAAD, the world’s leading LGBTQ media advocacy organization, and aims to unite the world’s marginalized groups in order to accelerate the rate at which the world takes to stop discriminating against certain ways of life.

The movement, which is symbolised by the “&”, consists of an eight-piece unisex collection designed by the ASOS in-house design team. The capsule features jersey basics with colourful graphics and jewellery, with every item sporting the campaign’s “&” symbol.  As for prices, it ranges very reasonably from just £8 up to £30 with a monetary donation from each item then being redirected to the charity.

Click the following button to get your hands on the products.

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