
Nabile Quenum’s Cause of Death is Believed to be Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

By January 13, 2018Fashion News

A sad day for everyone.

A provincial French newspaper has stated that the passing of renowned street style photographer, Nabile Quenum, on the 8th of January was down to carbon monoxide poisoning within his Paris based apartment, however, this cause of death is yet to be officially confirmed.

Nabile Quenum was renowned in the fashion industry predominately for his blog named J’ai Perdu Ma Veste, in which he captured varieties of high-quality aesthetics that have helped shape many people’s view on style and fashion as a whole. However, the creative also lead the “No Free Photos” campaign last year as well as having many pieces of his photography work featured in multiple high-caliber magazines such as New York Magazine, GQ, Vogue and CR Fashion Book.

Our thoughts go out to his friends and family, he will be missed.

I am regretful to be the bearer of some extremely sad and troubling news. Today we observe the passing of a colleague and friend to many of us, Nabile Quenum. I learned of this shocking and unimaginable news on January 9th, 2018 and - as I’m sure is the case for many of you - am having a hard time wrapping my head around it. I met Nabile in London in 2013 as he exited the backstage of a show at Somerset House. As was often the case for him then, he was dressed in head-to-toe KTZ and hard to miss. With the aide of his ice-breaking sense of humor, we immediately fell into an easy rhythm which then led to many Fashion Week seasons’ worth of traveling, working, and partying together. As soon as I got to know him I admired him for his passion as well as his work ethic; we’ve shared countless nights of sifting through days’ worth of images until dawn while our friends drunkenly snored around our shared AirBnbs. Today, his book is closed. Nothing could have prepared us for this news. To think that someone I was once so close to could be so far away is an absolutely tragic thought but if anything, this should inspire the rest of us to take a step back. To respect our bodies. Respect our health. Each other. To create lives outside of our work. And think about our futures. This is not a message I write with the intention of being bombarded with condolences. In fact, I request that you do the opposite. Do not DM or text me. Instead, redirect this message to someone you are close to, someone who you care for and someone who may need your kind words. Reach to a friend who is traveling but perhaps feeling lonely. Sympathize with someone who is dealing with a broken heart. Call your parents. Pass on your message to someone who matters to you personally. This is the only moment any of us are to be sure of. I'm sure there is some ridiculously hilarious quote of Nabile's I could share to make everyone smile at the end of reading this...he was a funny dude…But I can't seem to find anything which would sum this all up. None of us were ready to read this today. Just make sure you make the best of the rest of your day, and take this message into tomorrow as well.

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