
LCM: Casely-Hayford Autumn/Winter 2015 Collection

Casely-Hayford AW15 is all about outsiders.


The old sorting office was the venue for the Casely-Hayford AW15 show aptly titled ‘The Runaways’ and we use the word ‘apt’ for effect as the PAUSE team had to make a dash through the doors before they were shut after scrambling down from the Clara Martin presentation at the W Hotel.

As the models came out David Bowie’s Little Wonder followed by Bjork’s Crsytalline tracks blared through the speakers creating an electric rock vibe. Sophisticated sports are two words that readily came to mind after the first few looks. Lots of grey, pink and layering were present in the collection. The finish of most of the tops were rawer compared to the tailored and cropped bottom coordinates.

Futuristic sunglasses which were provided by Lockwood were used to accessorize most of the looks and interesting hybridized footwear by German brand Heinrich Dinkelacker. Wearable tech was present in this collection with another interesting collaboration with British startup Nifty to create a belt that would not only charge your things and keep your pants up.

We caught up with one half of the brand Charlie for a chat after the show.


PAUSE: Why Pink?

Charlie Casely-Hayford: We wanted to show that you can wear it in a masculine way and it’ll work, and it would be wearable. You know Tinie just came up to me and said ’I want that coat for a video’, that’s what I wanted to hear. A guy who I consider emanating masculinity and know he can pull that off and it’ll work. It was and interesting process for us to get there.

PAUSE: What’s the inspiration behind all the layers and the long line?

Charlie Casely-Hayford: The collection is called the runaways and I guess that was how we envisaged someone trying to escape society looking like. Maybe in a very loose way, but the layers represent armour and protection. That was where they kinda came from.

PAUSE: Tell us a bit more about the fabrication and the textures.

Charlie Casely-Hayford: I think a year ago everything was very geometric in our collection and very clean. We wanted to move that one by diffusing the lines and blurring the edges so that everything is a bit rawer and it just seemed like an interesting way for us to move on.

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