
LVMH Prize 2017: 8 Finalists for Best Young Fashion Designer

By March 28, 2017Fashion News

We have previously talked about designers representing menswear and unisex fashion here.

LVMH Prize was established in 2013 to honour and support young fashion designers around the world. A shortlist of 21 designers was announced last month and now,  LVMH Prize 2017 has revealed its 8 finalists for Best Young Fashion Designer. The winner will win the prize of €300, 000/approximately £260, 000 and support from the LMVH Group for one year.

These are the 8 Finalists for Best Young Fashion Designer:

AMBUSH by Yoon Ahn (Korean-American designer based in Tokyo).

ATLEIN by Antonin Tron (French designer based in Paris).

CECILIE BAHNSEN by Cecilie Rosted Bahnsen (Danish designer based in Copenhagen).

JAHNKOY by Maria Kazakova (Russian designer based in New York).

KOZABURO by Kozaburo Akasaka (Japanese designer based in New York).

MARINE SERRE by Marine Serre (French designer based in Paris).

MOLLY GODDARD by Molly Goddard (British designer based in London).

NABIL NAYAL by Nabil el-Nayal (British designer based in London).

What is going to happen next?

Delphine Arnault, director and executive Vice President of Louis Vuitton, told Vogue:

”Now we’re just focusing on preparing for the morning of June 16, when the finalists will meet the jury. That’s a major milestone for all the designers, but it’s a very enriching experience for everyone. We’ll be preparing a space at the Fondation Louis Vuitton, where each designer will have slightly more space than in the showroom. Each has 10 minutes to present his or her work to the jury, and then there’s a brief question-and-answer session. After that, there’s a luncheon at which we discuss the candidates, and then we vote. The announcement will be made afterward, at 3:00 p.m.”

Who is going to decide on the winner?

A panel of jurors was selected from industry experts. J.W. Anderson, Karl Lagerfeld, Riccardo Tisci and a fashion critic Cathy Horyn are all part of the jury. Delphine Arnault also said that she was ”thrilled to have Kendall Jenner join the panel this year.”

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