
Balenciaga’s Triple S Gets a Metallic Makeover

By February 8, 2018Fashion News, Sneakers

Adding a gleam to the classic pair.

Whether it was down to the unique detailing that covered the entirety of the shoe or the sneaker’s upper that was crafted from a rare marriage of mesh and nubuck, the Balenciaga Triple S was an undeniable hit. Well for any fan of the pair there is good news as the iconic sneakers have received a gleaming makeover – literally. However, before you become skeptical thinking that they may have gone overboard, the shoe has remained for the most part exactly the same with the notable exception being the metallic silver panels have been added towards the front of the shoe as well as a touch on the topline by the ankle.

Unfortunately, before you get too excite, the shinny pair have already sold-out. However if you want to check for yourself or get a better look at them then click the following button.

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