
ASOS Launch ‘Made in Kenya’ Collection

By April 11, 2018Fashion News

Prompting change through fashion.

The British online fashion and beauty store, ASOS, have recently been working on a collection that draws inspiration from the colours, patterns and textures surrounding Kenyan culture. However, the designs produced didn’t just come from ASOS themselves as they invited a series of collaborators to add their input into the creative process, a few of these individuals being the brother and sister duo 2manysiblings, Beats 1 Radio presenter Julie Adenuga, and and model Leomie Anderson.

The offerings centre around vivid colours and patterns, floral prints, and culturally inspired details. However, ASOS’ engagement with Kenya doesn’t stop there as the online retailer has been working in conjunction with SOKO Kenya since 2010 to actively improve the lives of members of the local community.

Furthermore, with all the clothes within the collection being cut and manufactured by SOKO Kenya, the initiative offers skills and support to drive sustainable development and help build a global community through fashion. Take a look at the offerings below, then click the following button to shop the collection.

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