
Lyon’s Artistique Crew Collaboration Shot by Croco & Co

In collaboration with Jordan Basket Ball.

Art Director: Hugo Lecot/ @hugie1000 ) and Croco & Co/ @crocoandco
Photographes: Alex Mouchet/@alex_mouchet and Motoki Nakatani/ @motokimokito from Croco & Co’
MUA and Hair: Victoria Sapet/ @snowbunnythemovie
Stylist: Marc-Henri Ngandu/ @lcroco_alpha from Croco & Co’
Models: Juliette Boudet/ @rionenul from Croco & Co’, Stevens Crouilbois/ @whoisstvns from Croco & Co’, Brad Mosabu/ @bradleyscoott, Zacharie Bizimana/ @tchointeur

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