
How Men’s Fashion Has Been Influenced By Games, Sports And Digital Trends

By December 11, 2021Guest Post

Men’s fashion is an ever-evolving concept, with fashion trends and the way we view things constantly changing. While there are many factors that influence fashion design, perhaps one factor that you may not have considered is video gaming and the constant change in digital trends. Such digital trends have a huge impact on our lives, from the way we communicate with our friends to the clothes we wear. See just how video games, sports and digital trends have had a significant impact on men’s fashion across the years.

How Video Games Have Influenced Fashion Trends

As video games have been around for longer than we can remember, the advancements in technology over the years have taken some of our favourite video games such as Fortnite, Call of Duty, Resident Evil and more to a whole new level. With character developments within many games that have dictated a number of unique wardrobes and styles, many games have developed their own sense of style thanks to the many latest fashion trends. Many gamers want their characters to look realistic and fashionable, so video gaming has turned into a playground for fashion designers.

Video games now are more popular than ever, and certainly have a great influence over the population today, with character developments in games, and the game design itself, inspiring us in many different ways. As well as console games, games from the iGaming industry have also had an influence over the years too. With popular games such as Cleopatra, Book of Ra, and Sweet Bonanza, available to play at online casino websites, their interesting and eye-catching themes can influence the players that play them in many ways. Not to mention the fashion of the dealers who feature in live casino games.

As the gaming industry has typically been a male-dominated one, many male fashion trends have been particularly influenced thanks to the wide range of styles and clothing represented across a number of famous games. If a person identifies with a character, it seems only natural that they would want to emulate their style.

Sports Fashion And How It Impacts The Way We Dress

The sporting industry has long had an influence on the male fashion industry, with world renowned companies like Adidas and Nike influencing the fashion industry, they’re no longer just famed for their sports kits, but also for their fashion trends that they have represented over the years. This is due to the fundamental shift in men’s fashion trends, where stuffy suits were traded in favour of comfortable clothes. Sports trends have changed the way we dress to the point where casual clothes are now considered to be work appropriate.

As well as this, social media in sports has also had a massive impact on the way we dress, with fitness and gym sessions currently trending world-wide, the sports industry and the clothes these fitness influencers wear has particularly risen in popularity. The persona of the sports influencers we are connected with portrays that if we wear the clothes they do, then we too can look as fit and in shape as them. Thanks to the huge market of fitness influencers, many people like ourselves are found to reciprocate this trend and dress ourselves like the influencers we wish to be like, causing sport as a whole to have a huge impact on the male fashion industry today.

Social Media Influencers In The Fashion Industry

By far the most influential factor out of these three has to be social media. With now over 4.48 billion users actively utilising a range of popular social media apps, social media has ultimately started to shape every aspect of our lives, men’s fashion being one of them. Hundreds of thousands of users share their fashion inspirations, outfits of the day, outfit lookbooks, fashion trends and much more which make up a huge influential part of social media. However, these posts are more than just a fashion statement, as influencers across the globe are now getting paid high amounts of money to advertise a range of different outfits for some of the most well-known fashion designers in the world such as Tommy Hilfiger, Bogetta Veneta and much more.

For most men’s fashion companies, there is as much of a reliance on influencers as there is on more traditional media advertisements. They are also using their own social media platforms to boost their products. This method of advertisement is constantly changing the way we dress. While many would wait for new seasons for new clothes or find inspiration from magazines and their favourite celebrities, the world of social media is influencing the way we shop and dress like never before.

Even the way models are chosen for fashion contracts has changed significantly as a result of social media. The status of their Instagram profile now has just as much of an impact on their modeling career as their looks.

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